Functional Patterns Online biomechanics Training
One-on-one virtual training with a functional patterns practitioner
Functional Patterns takes a completely unique approach to training in general. We ensure that the movements you do are benefitting you as a whole, instead of just giving you endorphins and maybe increasing muscle mass. The traditional way of training leaves many people injured, and is extremely hard to do if you have any exiting chronic pain or injuries. This leaves people in a confused, painful and sedentary state.
Fortunately, Functional Patterns Brisbane is a world leading functional training and biomechanics facility with practitioners who consistently showcase outstanding results with their clients.
But, what if you cannot attend the clinic in person. Our practitioners are trained to make virtual sessions just as successful as in-person sessions. Although giving and taking instructions over webcam provides some challenges, you can rest assured that training functional patterns online with a certified practitioner can yield amazing results.
How Our Online Clients Feel
“I had a groin injury for 6 months, trying endless physio sessions but it seemed to be impossible to fix. My physio said it would take up to 2 years to heal. That is when I started working with Louis over a WhatsApp Call.
After 3-4 sessions my pain in the groin had completely gone away. We continued working for a couple more weeks to fix some other dysfunctional problems I had. Now I am completely pain free thanks to Louis and functional pattern Brisbane. ”
“I have been fortunate to be able to train remotely with FP Brisbane. Even online, Louis’s attention to detail is phenomenal. He clearly has in depth knowledge of human movement/biomechanics, an eye for detail and the skills to cue and correct faulty movement patterns. I am able to apply what he has taught to my everyday movement and am starting to see and feel improvements in my posture and movement. I have no doubt that what he can achieve in person would be even better. Highly recommend FP Brisbane.”
What Is The Process Of Online Functional Patterns Training From Start to Finish?
When you get in touch with Functional Patterns Brisbane, you will not be called by a scheduling assistant or a sales rep. From your very first conversation, you will be dealing with a Biomechanics Professional who will be able to provide you with advice based upon your specific circumstances and needs. Because training with Functional Patterns is a medium-long term endeavour, it is important to identify whether we are a good fit. That does not depend on the severity of your condition as much as it depends on your mindset and drive to get better. After your call, you will have a strong idea of how we would tackle your specific goals and can make a much more informed decision.
Before your initial session, you will need to take your own gait footage if you are unable to make it into the facility
When we move dysfunctionally, our body adapts. It is these adaptations that cause pain, dysfunctions and malformations. Because of this fact, we know that dysfunctional movement is the root cause of most of our problems. This is why we use the gait cycle as our primary diagnostic/assessment tool.
You will be asked to take your own gait and posture photos and walked through the process during your initial phone call.
Running for 10 seconds in slow motion from your 4 different angles (front, back and sides) is gold standard. However, if all you can achieve is a well lit video of you walking away from the camera for about 10 minutes in your home, we can work with that.
The following is a quick walk through of how to film your own gait analysis.
Somewhere to walk/run - You will need a treadmill or a minimum 10 metre stretch of flat ground. A park works great as it is well-lit and you are able to run. Inside your home is fine if you have good lighting, a long strip of ground and are happy using a walking analysis.
Minimal clothing. We know it can be uncomfortable for some, but being able to see the spine is a must. Without clear visibility of your neck, spine, shoulder blades, lower back and legs - your practitioner will not be able to assess you. The gold standard attire for gait analysis is; a sports bra (for females), no shirt (for males) and tight shorts that are rolled down to show your lower back.
No shoes or socks. Feet are important to assess and having shoes on alters their shape and hides them.
A good camera. Phone cameras have come a long way. If you have a newer model phone, you should have no problem recording a high quality video with it. If your phone camera is not clear, you could borrow someone else’s phone or use a camera if you have one available. Some Ipad’s and tablets can also have suitable cameras.
A Tripod or something stable to hold the camera. If you have a tripod laying around, great. If you do not, find something to hold your phone steady. Finding a bench and leaning the phone on something works for inside. If you’re outside, leaning your phone against a post/tree or bringing something to stand it on works fine. Someone with a steady hand can also film for you.
An example of back-view gait footage
The footage needs to be clear and well lit.
You need to make sure your photos and videos include your entire body from head to toe.
The angles of the photos & videos needs to be direct. For example, your back view needs to be taken from directly behind you and your side views need to be showing your exact side-on view.
You need to be as relaxed as you would be while talking to a friend. Try not to overthink your standing and running - just move how your body naturally wants to move. This will give you the most accurate assessment.
1 back view of you going as fast as you can (given your circumstances & filming setup) for 8 seconds minimum
1 front view for 8 seconds minimum of your maximum pace
1 side view from each side for 8 seconds minimum at your maximum pace
1 relaxed front view
1 relaxed back view
1 relaxed photo from each side
Example of a before & after - you will be taking your before photo
Sometimes sending videos can be a pain. The following are options for sending your footage back to us:
Create a drop box folder and email the share link to brisbane@functionalpatterns.com. Here is a link on how to do this
Email all of the files to brisbane@functionalpatterns.com. Sometimes the file sizes are too large
If you have an iphone, create a shared folder on your phone and add all of the footage to it. Share this folder with 0411465684. Here is a link for how to share an iphone album
Google Drive . Here is a link to the steps to share using Google Drive.
Your human biomechanics specialist will look over your footage in slow motion. They will compare it with high performing sprinters to identify the main areas of dysfunction. For example, you may not be rotating to the left as much as you are to the right, or your hip may be dropping on the left because of a disengaged core.
Once they have identified the main pain points in your gait cycle and standing neutral, they will break these down into personalised exercises that target these very specific weak points. These exercises will aim to increase your strength, even out your rotations, rehydrate your connective tissue/fascia and bring over-all connectivity and symmetry to the way you interact with gravity and the floor.
You will be given an extremely comprehensive breakdown that will uncover the reasons for many different symptoms you may have experienced throughout your life, and a plan to correct them.
Your Human Biomechanics Specialist will also discuss various lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your issues such as diet and stress management.
You will be sent an e-book on diet and self-massage (MFR). Your will be given some homework surrounding your diet, muscle release/hydration techniques and basic exercises.
Dietary changes are important because your diet affects your core. If you are bloated, your core tension will suffer. This may make it difficult to progress through the training.
Commit to a low inflammatory, nourishing diet for at least 6 months to see major improvements in your body composition, pain levels and core tension.
Your First Few Sessions
During your first 10 sessions or so, you will be learning new movements and techniques that will most likely feel completely foreign to you. We will be focusing greatly on ratios, coordination and muscle tension.
Every movement you do will be heavily queued, meaning you will be moving slowly through motions while your biomechanics specialist tells you very specific adjustments that they want you to make throughout the course of each movement. These include tilting, shifting and rotating to turn on the correct muscles and to ensure as much symmetry and safety as possible.
Once You Get The Hang Of Things…
After about 10 sessions or so you’ll likely have a firm grasp on the concepts and an improved mind-body connection. At this point, you’ll have a colourful repertoire of exercises and strategies under your belt. You’ll be feeling much more connection within your body and as a result, you’ll be more coordinated and confident with your workouts and daily movements. It will also be a lot easier to respond to queues and you’ll have a better understanding of the terms we use to describe your body moving in space. At this point, momentum will take hold and things should be coming together.
You’ll eventually begin to notice changes in you health, posture, movement and pain.
Your Result!
At Functional Patterns Brisbane, we are all about results. From the minute you step in the door, we assume that it is only a matter of time before you achieve an incredible before and after result. In fact, getting a jaw-dropping result is just another part of our standard process.
We don’t just change posture and fix chronic pain. You can expect to see changes in your body composition, mindset, stress-management, dietary choices, muscle tone and much more - IF you put in the work.
Most of the Functional Patterns results you see have taken 3 months to 3 years to achieve. The fact is, the time is going to pass anyways. In the next couple of years will you be thanking yourself for making massive, functional changes… or will you be wishing you had done something?
Addressing Your Whole System.
Not Just Your Symptoms
Functional Patterns gets incredible results by addressing systems rather than symptoms. You may come to us with a painful shoulder and slumped posture, but that isn’t what we see. We look at the many factors that got you to that point and we start strategically rewinding the clock to pre-dysfunction times.
This image illustrates the primary things we target with you every day, week and month to get you feeling vibrant, robust and functional.
Want To Know Exactly What To Eat To Feel, Look & Perform At Your Best?
All of our clients have access to our incredibly effective Functional Patterns dietary protocol. When you work with FP Brisbane, you get a 17 page booklet outlining the exact methods we’ve used to help countless people of all walks of life to feel more energetic, feel more confident and to gain muscle while losing stubborn fat. Our diet protocol is thoroughly tested and researched and serves to rehydrate your fascia, tissue & muscle, increase collagen production, reduce chronic inflammation, increase lean muscle mass and reduce body fat percentage.
We have an onsite Nutritionist & as a holistic practice, we integrate diet and lifestyle factors to support your structural & mechanical progress.
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