Will You Have To 'Force' Good Posture Forever? Or Can Posture Changes Feel Natural.

When you first begin changing your posture, it will not feel natural.

In almost all cases, poor posture occurs because your battle with gravity begins to favour certain muscles and movement patterns more-so than others. Eventually, gravity begins winning the battle against your disconnected system, and you begin to ‘crumple’ into a default position that has much to do with the muscles that were dominant in the battle.

Some postures are extremely common, others are more unique.


A common posture and context is a kypholordotic posture observed in an office worker. Essentially, the backside is always passively stretched out in a seated position and the frontline is always passively shortened in a seated position. This causes the glutes to ‘forget’ how to contract and move forward properly, and it helps the lower stomach ‘forget’ how to function when it is not in a seated position.

When that individual stands up, their hips are not supported by their lower core or their glutes, so they just fall forward. The back reciprocates the motion and hunches backwards.

If this office worker were to be instructed into a correct standing possition, it would feel very tiring as they would be consciously and actively fighting against gravity with their muscles and frame.

kypholordosis posture corrected naturally

Now, what if that office worker were to learn how to use their front and back side mechanics in the correct manner and context. After a while, would they still have to force good posture?

The unfortunate truth is, the movement and physical health industry, for the most part, do not know how to fix the underlying issue behind peoples poor posture. This causes them to preach that posture does not matter and cannot be changed. This leaves quite literally millions of people, include these aforementioned office workers, to suffer with their compressed lower spines, core dysfunction, poor posture and chronic pain.

While it might take a technical eye, good communication skills and a strong knowledge base of human movement… fixing posture is not rocket science.

Functional patterns has it down to an art form, and if you’re willing to go through an uncomfortable transition period, and some physical/mental work, we highly recommend you invest in an initial consult (to find out the root cause of your poor posture) and some sessions (to fix your poor posture permanently).

Louis Ellery

Just a man trying to make the world more functional and less painful.


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