Can You Fix Scoliosis Naturally With A Scoliosis Specialist?


What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. To an extent, every human on earth has a degree of scoliosis. When the spinal curve becomes severe enough to notice, or it impacts your life, it is time to focus on correcting it. Ideally, you want to manage your scoliosis before it progresses.

The mainstream options for those who suffer with a scoliosis are to either:

  • worsen at an unpredictable rate or

  • undergo surgery via scoliosis surgeons to fuse the spine to itself or to a rod.

These options are archaic and the more we learn about the body, the more we learn about why the spine shifts like this in the first place. We have discovered how to bring it back into alignment naturally. We want Scoliosis treatment in Brisbane to be more movement based and holistic.


How Do We Fix Scoliosis Naturally At Our Scoliosis Clinic BrisBane?


Functional Patterns counteract the motions that lead to the large curve by activating the right muscles in the right sequence. This complex process of movement-based physical therapy has straightened the spines of many clients. If you're searching for a Scoliosis Specialist Brisbane, try our scoliosis clinic.

Functional Patterns is:

  • a fraction of the cost of surgery,

  • has no downtime,

  • addresses the underlying cause of scoliosis,

  • and has several other benefits along the way.

Functional Patterns is the best option for people with scoliosis as demonstrated by the results. Clients and professionals should use it as a treatment tool before a major physical event like surgery.


Our one-on-one Functional Patterns training provides mechanical changes. To straighten scoliosis, we focus on a hierarchy of needs. This ensures the body is able to change. These include factors such as:

  • Support the fascia and its hydration

  • Support the nervous system

  • Improve movement patterns

  • Support healthy levels of inflammation



Let’s look at some cases of scoliosis to see if you can fix scoliosis naturally, without surgery.


Case Study 1

Due to severe head trauma received early last year, training @melissathewong has been a tedious process. Dynamic movement was originally not an option. Her cognitive functions would decline rapidly resulting in dizziness and a loss of balance.

The application of @functionalpatterns correctives (IMAPS) and myofascial release entirely brought about the changes seen here. Training in relation to our biomechanical blueprint targets all systems of the body, including the vestibular system. Therefore, Melissa saw an improvement in her balance and coordination as we began to ramp up her dynamic movement. We are looking forward to continued results from this dedicated client.

Naturally Straightened Scoliosis

Major Structural Change - Naturally straightened scoliosis


OCT 28 2019 > JAN 7 2020 > MARCH 13 2020






Protocol used for this natural scoliosis reversal

  • 100% Functional Patterns Techniques

  • Analysing the clients gait (walking/running) allowed us to identify the root causes of the scoliosis. We identified various shifts, drops and abnormal rotations. The client had poor connection between the hips and ribs and we also found abnormal intra-abdominal pressure.

  • We used Myo-Fascial Release - especially at the beginning of treatment. This was to assist in rehydrating the fascia (the bodies connective tissue)

  • We did movement training and Corrective Functional Patterns Chambers (the secret sauce). These helped balance out issues and asymmetries observed in the gait footage.

  • The training included dynamic exercises once the clients coordination and vestibular function improved. We continued to use the former mentioned techniques

  • Dietary protocol for greater core tension and modulation of intra-abdominal pressure

  • Lifestyle interventions for stress, sleep and wellbeing management (scoliosis self-care)


What Does Melissa Have To Say?

“I have seen significant improvement to my coordination, posture and proprioception through Functional Patterns. These sessions have played a key part in my journey to recover my cognitive and physical functions after my injury. Shane is an effective coach with a keen eye and knowledge for movement patterns. I have really enjoyed training with him.”

— Melissa



Case Study 2

40 Degree Curve Appearance After Spinal Fusion Surgery - Corrected Naturally!

Courtney had a 50 degree curve T6-T11 before having spinal fusion in 2002 via thoracotomy. This operation bought the curve to 7 degrees.

A second curve developed in 2018 from T5-L2 of 40 degrees. This can be seen in the photo on the left. With a steel rod in the thoracic spine, there is a limitation to what we are able to do.

Nevertheless, her quality of life is improving along with the structure of her spine as it has come closer to neutral. Moreover, the changes that she is implementing to get these results are surgery-free. They majorly reduce the risk of another curve appearing in the future.

This is why it is SO important to address the underlying cause and structure. It allows you to avoid surgical bandaids related to your scoliosis. If you're looking for a 'scoliosis specialist near me' like Courtney was, try Functional Patterns Brisbane.

Naturally Straightened Scoliosis

Visible Reduction In Scoliosis, Massive Reduction In Pain







Protocol Used For This Natural Scoliosis Reversal

  • This case heavily focused on identifying the root cause of the spinal abnormalities due to relapse post-surgery. Her original scoliosis Doctor was unable to identify the drivers of her scoliosis.

  • We analysed her gait and posture to identify the root causes of the scoliosis. We wanted to see the affect of her surgical history, shifts & drops. We looked for abnormal rotations, poor connection between the hips and ribs and abnormal intra-abdominal pressure ect.

  • Myo-Fascial Release - especially at the beginning to assist in rehydrating the fascia and improving range of motion

  • We used Movement-Based Functional Patterns Training. This included Corrective Functional Patterns Chambers (the secret sauce) to balance out asymmetries seen in her gait footage

  • We used dynamic exercises to integrate the movement-based changes into fast paced activity. This is fundamental to ensure the body structurally adapts to the changes in movement patterns.

  • We used a dietary protocol to increase core tension and adjust intra-abdominal pressure. This protocol removed inflammatory foods and focused on nutrient-rich easily absorbable foods such as meat and fruit.

  • We used lifestyle interventions for stress, behavior/language, sleep, and wellbeing management.


How Does Courtney Feel About This?

“I have been training with Shane at Functional Patterns for 6 months now to help with my scoliosis pain. I’ve had significantly reduced levels of pain and a visibly straighter back. I look forward to making more improvements as we continue. Excellent trainer, I highly recommend Functional Patterns Brisbane for anyone wanting to improve their lives ”

— Courtney



Case Study 3

Naturally straightened Scoliosis & Scapular Winging in Just 10 Months


Biomechanical Improvements:

  • Improved scoliosis

  • Improved scapular positioning

  • No more neck and back pain

  • Ribcage more neutral

“In the beginning the pain was unbearable in my upper right thoracic and right scapular which would leave me unmotivated and fatigued 24/7.

Nowadays this region is feeling pain free, occasionally I will experience some discomfort in the area and I will have to release the muscles around this point with a lacrosse ball but then it subsides and is fine. Apart from this slight discomfort, I experience no pain. I’m confident that we will be able to keep addressing my imbalances and work towards feeling better connected and more athletic with my entire structure.

Being pain free has improved my ethic to work and has made me a more productive tradie. As well as allowing me to relax and enjoy a better work life balance.”

— Kynan


Kynan’s Gait Showcasing Natural Scoliosis Reversal…


…Using Gait Analysis Followed By Functional Patterns Corrective Biomechanics Techniques


Kynan’s Practitioner Max Explains:

Kynan has been training to connect his glutes, core, and upper thoracic spine. We have been using FP chambers and dynamic movements for this purpose.

We have been able to see an improvement in his hip extension. As a result his knees have stopped facing inwards into a knee valgus while running.

His shoulders now sit wider and he is able to get some propulsion to pull him upwards and forwards as he runs. Thanks to Kynan for trusting me throughout this process and consistently coming in to put the work in.



Why We Analyse Gait (walking/running) For Our Scoliosis Assessment


The best way to assess scoliosis is by studying how someone walks/runs. This method provides a comprehensive evaluation of their walking pattern. This includes the movement of their joints, muscles, and other body segments during walking.

Our specialists can analyse your walking to show you the specific moments that cause your scoliosis.

To illustrate, when your right foot touches the ground, a leg muscle may turn off and your hips may move to the right. Your ribcage may shift to the left to make up for it, and this compensation may drive your scoliosis. This is just a random example, of course, but it illustrates the genius of analysing gait for scoliosis.

Analysing gait helps our practitioners see and objectively measure how someone moves. This allows them to identify any issues or differences in the person's walking pattern. These issues may be impacting the person's daily activities, walking, worklife or exercise routine.

This means you will leave your assessment with concrete and objective measurements. This information will help you to gain a deep understanding of the causes and contributors of your scoliosis.


Your movement is a complex and dynamic process that involves the interaction of multiple systems, including the musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

When walking, the body needs to stay balanced, generate enough force to move, and adjust to changes in the surroundings. Issues in these systems can alter your walking and increase the risk of injury. They can also affect cell communication, cause long-lasting pain, dehydration, bad posture, and make asymmetries worse. This can turn off important muscle groups and make the problem last longer.

Studying how you walk/run helps our experts measure and analyse how your lower limbs, trunk, and pelvis move while walking. It also shows how you position yourself around your spine and interact with gravity and the ground.

This includes observing the joint angles, muscle activity, ground reaction forces ect. We can then develop targeted interventions to improve your gait. Then, you can reduce pain, injury risk, asymmetries, scoliosis, and poor posture.


Explaining why gait analysis is important for biomechanics correction and straightening scoliosis naturally


How Do We Use Your Running/walking Insights To Straighten Your Scoliosis Naturally?


Imagine if correcting your scoliosis was as simple as correcting your gait (walking/running patterns). What if every time your foot hit the floor, your hip did not drop and your rib cage did not shift and compress to one side? What if your rib cage was stable and your abdominals and glutes fired equally?

Functional Patterns specialises in this and that is why we consider ourselves a results factory. We specifically target our movements to correct your gait. This allows every move you make to support your frame, rather than distorting it further.

Naturally straightening a scoliosis using changes to your movement patterns is far less invasive than surgery. It also has a host of other benefits such as improved stress response and improved muscle tone. You will also notice improved coordination, improved posture and much more. If you are in the position to try Functional Patterns before resorting to surgery, it is highly recommended.

Relaxed posture showing improvements in decompression, symmetry and pain.

Naturally Straightened Scoliosis

Relaxed, bent-over posture showing improvement to spinal integrity and positioning.

Naturally Straightened Scoliosis


Finally! EXACTLY How To Get A Straighter Spine Naturally Without Surgery In 6-12 Months

This 17 Page E-Book contains some of the key factors we use to straighten scoliosis naturally in as short as 6 months.

Simply enter your email address below and a PDF copy will be instantly sent straight to your inbox.

scoliosis specialist brisbane ebook
  • You Need Surgery, Right? Wrong! We have corrected many scoliosis with nothing but corrective movement techniques. This book explains how.

  • Unsure Which Assessment Tool Is The Best For Scoliosis? Find out what and why!

  • Unsure What Is Causing Your Scoliosis? Find out exactly how your movement is impacting your spine.

  • Heard Of Fascia? Find out how this important neuro-endocrine organ is affecting (and being affected by) your every step!



Final Thoughts About Natural Scoliosis COrrection

Scoliosis requires treatment, but treatment options include surgery-free alternatives. Correcting movement patterns can naturally straighten scoliosis to certain extents, often almost entirely. The benefits of doing so naturally vs surgically are massive. You are able to keep full spinal function and you have less chance of another curve appearing and also needing surgery.

You are in far less pain and require less downtime than after surgical treatments. Surgery free scoliosis alternatives are also much less expensive and traumatic. You also spend your rehabilitation period getting fitter and leaner instead of in bed, getting stiffer.

Check out our Straightening Scoliosis page for testimonials and before and after photos. You can also access information on how you can achieve similar results.

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Thank you!


Louis Ellery

Just a man trying to make the world more functional and less painful.

Fascia & Chronic Pain: The Cause & The Cure
